The inconvenience of missing a tooth can affect chewing ability, and speaking capability, and cause deterioration of the underlying bone. Given all these challenges, permanently implanting a tooth serves as a reliable solution. It also helps in improving confidence.
Before proceeding with any surgery, it is essential to be cautious and study the implications. It is important to understand whether the side effects are temporary or permanent. Dental implant surgeries rarely pose significant health risks, and when side effects do occur, they are often minor and treatable. Let us explore in detail the rare but possible tooth-implant side effects.
Overview of Tooth-implant Side-effects
Infection at the implant site: After the placement of dental implant, an infection can occur in the surgical site, due to bacteria in the gums or a contamination in the implant. It can cause minor swelling, redness, pain and discharge of pus from the area of implantation. In some cases, fever and weakness can also occur. The infection is usually treated with antibiotics and a small cleaning procedure is performed if required. It is essential to maintain good oral hygiene and follow post-care instructions to ensure maximum safety.
Sinus Problems: When implants are placed on upper jaw, they can affect sinus cavity. Sinus problems include sinus infections, nasal congestions and discomfort in the upper jaw. These problems are generally managed with medication. In some cases, additional surgical interventions can be required. This problem can be avoided by proper planning and imaging to ensure that the implants are placed at the correct depth and angle.
Injury or Damage to the Surrounding Structures: The procedure can affect nearby structures such as adjacent teeth, blood vessels or bone. This can lead to pain, swelling or structural damage to nearby teeth or gums. By proper planning and imaging, these problems can be avoided. In case, they occur, they can be corrected by additional procedures.
Nerve Damage: Nerve damage can occur, if the implant is placed too close to the nerve or if the procedure affects the nerve. This problem can occur while the procedure is performed at the lower jaw. It can cause symptoms such as pain, numbness or tingling in the gums. For most people, the problems are resolved automatically as the nerve heals. Sometimes, additional procedures or surgeries are performed to resolve this issue.
Closing Remarks
To bring a confident and happy smile on your face, tooth implant is one of the best solutions. But yes, it has its own limitations. Despite the side effects, they will be more advantageous in the long-term. While considering dental implants, it is essential to ensure the design of implants is perfect for ensuring desired results.
At Uptown Dental Lab, we utilize advanced procedures such as 3D imaging and CAD/CAM systems to design and manufacture dental implants and prosthetics. Our practices prioritize user comfort and overall health. With the use of biocompatible materials, we reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Our products are designed to fit the unique anatomy and needs of each individual.